
Setting Vectorworks preferences



Vectorworks Preferences

Tools > Options

Quick Preferences

Vectorworks preferences are options that apply to every file you open, every time you run the program.

To change the Vectorworks preference settings:

Select the command.

The Vectorworks Preferences dialog box opens.

Click each pane to set the Vectorworks preferences for that pane.

Vectorworks preferences: Edit pane

Click the Edit pane to set preferences that control various edit functions in the program.



Enable click-drag drawing

Lets you draw objects with the click-drag method rather than the default click-click method. Click once with the mouse button and do not release; drag the cursor to a desired location and then release. See Dibujo en modo clic-clic.

Display eight reshape handles

Shows eight handles (four corner and four center) on most objects; deselect the option to display only four corner handles

Offset duplications

When you use the Duplicate command, places the duplicate object so that it is offset from the original object; deselect the option to place duplicates directly over the original

Auto-join walls

When you use the Wall tool, automatically joins walls at corners and intersections; when walls are separated, their ends automatically heal; when walls have core components, components also automatically join (see Unión automática de paredes)

Separate sheet views

Saves the view origin and zoom factor for each sheet layer; deselect the option to use the same view for all design layers and sheet layers

Enable mouse wheel zooms

Sets the default behavior of the mouse wheel and the scroll ball. When selected, the wheel zooms by default; when deselected, the wheel scrolls by default. See Zooming with the mouse wheel and Scrolling with the mouse wheel for details.

Allow Ctrl+click/Option+click in-place duplication

When selected, allows a Ctrl-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) with the Selection tool to create a duplicate copy of a selected object in place. Since it is simple to inadvertently create duplicate objects that cannot be easily detected, leaving this option deselected is recommended; it is deselected by default. Regardless of the setting made here, duplicates can be created with a Ctrl-click/drag or Option-click/drag.

Duplicate linked tags with objects

When you use the Duplicate command on a tagged object, a new tag will be associated with the duplicate object; deselect the option to duplicate objects with no tags

Edit text horizontally by default

Always displays the text editing box in a horizontal position, even when the text is rotated (see Creación de texto rotado)

2D Conversion Resolution

Sets the number of segments that will be used to represent polylines and circles when you draw and edit objects

Default Compression

Specifies the default image compression to apply to images in a viewport cache and to images created by the Render Bitmap tool. PNG compression provides the best image quality but produces larger files, while JPEG creates smaller files, but with possible loss of detail. PNG is selected by default.

Allow Interactive 2D Symbol Scaling

Specifies whether the Selection tool, in an interactive scaling mode, is allowed to resize symbol instances; if allowed, a warning can be displayed to avoid inadvertently scaling a symbol. If Never is selected, symbols can still be resized from the Object Info palette; see Scaling symbols from the Object Info palette.

Arrow Keys

Select an arrow and modifier key combination as a shortcut for four common operations; each key combination can be assigned to only one operation. Alternatively, disable the ability to use arrow key combinations to perform any of these functions.

Switch Active Layer/Class

Select the key combination that switches the active layer (up and down arrows) and the active class (left and right arrows)

Pan Drawing

Select the key combination that pans the drawing by half of the area currently in view

Nudge Objects

Select the key combination that nudges objects by one pixel, and select whether to display an alert on the Status bar when nudging items to avoid accidentally moving objects

Move Objects

Select the key combination that moves objects, and select whether to move objects by the snap grid distance or by the specified custom distance

Vectorworks preferences: Display pane

Click the Display pane to set the display preferences.



Show rulers

Shows the rulers, when possible. Rulers do not show in any perspective view. Rulers always show in Top and Bottom view, and they show in other orthogonal views when the working plane is screen-aligned.

Show internal origin marker


Displays the drawing’s internal origin in Top/Plan view. The marker does not print.

Show colored axes in Top/Plan view

Displays X (red) and Y (green) axes in 2D Top/Plan view

Show scroll bars

Shows the scroll bars

Use dark background

Uses a dark drawing background instead of the default light settings, and inverts the black and white elements of the drawing area

Zoom line thickness (slow)

Lines in the drawing appear thicker when you zoom in (2D views or Hidden Line/Polygon render modes only); the screens redraw slower on Mac or on Windows if Use GDI+ imaging is enabled

Create text without fill

When you create text objects, dimension objects, and some plug-in objects that contain text, the text block has no fill, even if the default attributes are set to add a fill to new objects. This prevents objects beneath the text from being obscured.

Show parametric constraints

Displays parametric constraints

Show other objects while in editing modes

When certain complex objects are edited, an Edit window with a colored border displays in the drawing area.

When you edit solids, groups, symbols (in the drawing only), or viewports in the Edit window, select this option to make the other objects from the drawing visible and snappable during editing; deselect the option to show only the object being edited. (See Modo edición de objetos for more information.)

This option does not apply to other types of objects that are edited from the Edit window, including extrudes, multiple extrudes, tapered extrudes, sweeps, meshes, floors, and roof faces. For symbols, the option applies only when you edit a symbol definition by clicking on a symbol instance in a design layer.

Gray other objects

If Show other objects while in editing modes is selected, select this option to gray the objects in the drawing that are not being edited

Use VectorCaching for faster drawing

Caches vector information for complex document entities, such as polylines and hatches; while this makes screen redraws faster, it also can potentially increase RAM requirements by up to 50 percent

Center on objects after view change

When switching standard views (such as Top or Left Isometric), centers the view to display either selected objects, or if nothing is selected, all objects on the layer or in the drawing. Centers the view on all objects in a layer if there are no objects in view after switching between layers. This helps you feel oriented when switching views or changing layers.

Use GDI+ imaging

(Windows only)

Draws lines of equal thickness with round end caps; also provides these features:

Fills in 3D planar objects

Variable object opacity

Images with alpha channels

Layer transparency


Object transparency in X-ray Select mode

Display text and markers in hidden line

Disable this option if you need to use OpenType fonts.

Enable anti-aliasing

Blends the edges of fills and lines for a smoother appearance; on Windows, this option is available only when Use GDI+ imaging is enabled

Accelerate graphics

Enables accelerated panning, zooming, selection highlighting, sheet layer drawing, multi-threaded final graphics, and view transition animations; deselect if you experience cosmetic or reliability issues related to video

Display Light Objects

Controls the visibility of light objects; hide light objects to reduce screen clutter but maintain light effects

Always: Light objects are always visible

Only in Wireframe: Light objects are only visible in Wireframe mode; otherwise, they are hidden

Never: Light objects are hidden regardless of the render mode

Display 3D Loci

Controls the visibility of 3D loci

Always: 3D loci are always visible

Only in Wireframe: 3D loci are only visible in Wireframe mode; otherwise, they are hidden

Never: 3D loci are hidden regardless of the render mode

Edit Font Mappings

Specifies the replacement fonts for fonts that are not available. Font mappings can be changed or deleted. If mappings are deleted, the Font Mappings dialog box appears so that unavailable fonts can be mapped.

Vectorworks preferences: Session pane

Click the Session pane to set general Vectorworks preferences.



Use sound

Supplements the visual SmartCursor cues with audible cues; move the slider bar left (to reduce) or right (to increase) the program volume relative to the system volume

Log time in program

Records in a log file the time spent in the program, as well as the time spent to open and close documents; the date format depends on the language and regional settings in the operating system. The log file is called Vectorworks Log, and it is created in the User Data and Preferences Folder (which is displayed on the User Folders pane of Vectorworks preferences).

Display minor alerts on status bar

Displays minor warnings on the Status bar instead of in a dialog box

Display classes in pop-up menus hierarchically

Displays classes hierarchically in pop-up menus including from the Object Info palette, the View bar, and dialog boxes throughout Vectorworks.

Hierarchical class display in the Organization dialog box, Navigation palette, and Load Overview dialog box (Vectorworks Design Suite required) is controlled separately, on the Classes tab of the dialog box/palette.

Preserve expanded/collapsed state of classes

When classes are displayed hierarchically, maintains the expanded/collapsed state of the class list in pop-up menus between uses; when deselected, the class list is automatically collapsed each time

Run scripts in developer mode

For plug-in development, controls the display of warning messages during script execution. This is a convenient way for advanced developers to speed up the development process. By default, the scripts of scripted plug-in objects, tools, and menus are compiled once and stored in memory. The object, tool, or menu command memory cache is executed when the script is invoked. However, in developer mode, the script is compiled each time so that script changes are executed immediately and the developer does not need to restart the application to view changes.

For Python scripts, warning messages are displayed along with Python log data, and initialization code (extended properties set in the script options) are called on each run. For VectorScripts, plug-ins are compiled on each run and warning messages are displayed. Plug-ins may work more slowly when this option is enabled.

Maximum Number of Undos

This can be set as high as 100. Undo information is kept in memory, so the higher the maximum number of undos, the more memory may be required.

Issue undo warnings

Many actions that delete data or settings cannot be undone. Provides a warning when you perform an action that cannot be undone.

Undo view changes

Specifies the undo setting for drawing view changes (such as zooming and scrolling); deselect to never undo view changes, leaving the view as is.

Select when to undo drawing view changes:

Only restore view for object changes: when an object change is undone, restores the view to its state before that object change

Group all view changes: treats all consecutive view changes as one single undoable action

Group similar view changes: treats similar consecutive view changes as a single undoable action

Individual view changes: treats each individual view change as an undoable action

Enable palette docking

(Windows only)

Lets you dock palettes; deselect the option to disable docking and to undock all active palettes

Automatically append file extensions

(Mac only)

Appends the appropriate file extension (.vwx, or .sta for template files) to a newly created drawing file on a Mac

Enable Vectorworks Libraries

Displays predefined content from Vectorworks Libraries in the list of resources available for selection in many places throughout the program, such as the Resource Manager and the Resource Selector lists for various tools, or the Text Style list on the Tool bar for the Text tool

Enable online content

When Enable Vectorworks Libraries is selected, displays predefined online content in the list of resources available for selection in many places throughout the program, such as the Resource Manager and the Resource Selector

Enable Premium Libraries

For Vectorworks Service Select members, displays predefined content in the list of resources available for selection in many places throughout the program, such as the Resource Manager and the Resource Selector (Vectorworks sign-in required)

Create a new document on startup

Creates a new, untitled file when the program is launched. The new file is based on the Default.sta template file, if one exists in your user or workgroup templates folder (see Cómo abrir plantillas automáticamente). Otherwise, the new file uses the Blank template. When this option is deselected, select File > New to create a new file.

Change active layer for similar object creation

(Design Suite required)

When the Create Similar Object command is invoked, changes the active layer to be that of the source object. Select this option to create the new object on the same layer as the source object. See Diseño de objetos similares.

Use local help even when an internet connection is available

When you are connected to the internet, the help system is obtained online. When you are not connected, the local version of the help displays. There is not normally a big difference between the online and local versions. If bandwidth or connection issues cause online help display or searching to become unacceptably slow, select this option to always use the local version of the help system.

Enable Mac OS restore windows functionality for Vectorworks

(Mac only)

Enables the operating system to automatically restore previously open files when re-launching Vectorworks. Keep this option deselected when working with several different versions of Vectorworks, to prevent older versions from unsuccessfully attempting to open newer version files.

Check for Updates

Select how often the program should check for available software updates. When the specified update check interval has elapsed, an alert dialog box opens if a new Service Pack (maintenance release) or major release of the software is available.

If both a Service Pack and major release are available simultaneously, the system will send notification about the Service Pack first, followed by notification about the major release in the next session.

Click More Info (or Tell Me More) in the alert dialog box to open a web browser to display and download the available update. You must exit the program to successfully install the software update.

If it is not convenient to update the software at this time, click Not Now (or Remind Me Later) in the alert dialog box. The alert dialog box will redisplay when the specified update check interval has elapsed.

To disable notifications of a major release until the next major release is available, click Not Interested.

If the program is unable to connect to the update server, it attempts to connect once a day for seven days after the original failed attempt. If a connection to the update server still cannot be established, a dialog box opens to suggest running a manual update. If the Check for Updates command is run after the automatic update check fails, the next automatic update check occurs the day after the manual check.

Error Reporting

Sends anonymous information about application crashes and other basic usage statistics to Vectorworks to help improve the software. Four levels of informational detail can be selected:

Send nothing: When you check for updates or activate Vectorworks software, we always collect general data about the operating system, graphics card, monitor resolution, and Vectorworks version.

Send crash details: In addition to the general information that is always collected, this allows us to receive additional information in the event of a crash, including idle time, alerts received, workspace information, and graphics card operations prior to the crash.

Send crash details and light usage patterns: Selecting this option invaluably assists us with product development while maintaining user privacy. In addition to the previously listed information, we are able to duplicate actions taken before a software crash, review undo actions, determine which objects may have been selected, and view Vectorworks-related file paths. We cannot see the data in your drawings, and the reporting has no impact on your software operations. Reporting happens in the background as you work and should not affect your workflow.

Send crash details and verbose usage patterns: Selecting this option invaluably assists us with product development while maintaining user privacy. In addition to the information gathered through the light usage pattern option, we are able to upload additional information such as tool and command selection. We cannot see the data in your drawings, and the reporting has no impact on your software operations. Reporting happens in the background as you work and should not affect your workflow.

Serial Numbers

Opens the Serial Numbers dialog box to add or remove serial numbers for all installed Vectorworks products (see Cómo agregar y quitar números de serie).

A change to this preference setting cannot be undone with the Undo command.

Reset Saved Settings

Reverts to default settings instead of user-specified settings for tool modes, dialog box positions, and dialog box values. For palette positions and settings, reverts to the settings established when the workspace was created (in the User Data and Preferences folder).

In the Reset Settings dialog box, select whether to reset settings for Always do the selected action choices in alert dialog boxes. Also select whether to reset settings for all tool modes, dialog box positions, dialog box values, and palette positions and settings.

A change to this preference setting cannot be undone with the Undo command.

Palette Margins

(Mac only)

Sets whether the document window leaves a space for palettes when the window is opened

Vectorworks preferences: 3D pane

Click the 3D pane to set preferences for 3D edits.



3D Conversion Resolution

Sets the segmentation resolution used to display curved 3D objects; affects extruded and swept polylines, circles, and arcs

Default 3D View Render Mode

Sets the preferred 3D render mode to Shaded or Wireframe; this setting is applied whenever a drawing is switched from Top/Plan to a 3D view

Default 3D View Projection

Sets the preferred 3D projection to Orthogonal, Narrow Perspective, Normal Perspective, or Wide Perspective; this setting is applied whenever a drawing is switched from Top/Plan to a 3D view

Use occluded selection and snapping

In rendered views, solid objects “occlude,” or hide, objects behind them. Keep this option enabled to more easily select, and snap to, solid objects without interference from hidden geometry. To access hidden geometry, use the X-ray Select mode of the Selection tool, turn on the clip cube, or switch to Wireframe render mode; see X-ray Select mode.


Vectorworks preferences: Autosave pane

Click the Autosave pane to set preferences for automatic file saves and backups.



Autosave every

Enables the Autosave feature; also sets the number of minutes or operations between autosaves

Confirm before save

Before each save, opens a dialog box so that you can choose either to save or to continue to work without a save. The timer/counter resets regardless of which option is selected. See Automatically saving files.

Overwrite original file

Writes over the original file with the latest changes during a save

Autosave a backup copy to

Automatically saves a backup copy of the file either to a folder named VW Backup (in the same folder as the original file) or to a custom location, such as a network drive (click Choose to select a folder). The original file is not saved automatically; to save it, use one of the save commands on the File menu.

Backup files have unique names that include the word “Backup” and a date and time stamp appended to the original file name. Use backup files to restore a project if something happens to the original file.

Number of Backups to Save

If Autosave a backup copy to is selected, specifies the maximum number of backup files to keep; the oldest backup file is replaced when a new backup is made

Vectorworks preferences: Interactive pane

Click the Interactive pane to set preferences for the display of the interactive drawing features, such as the cursor, selection boxes, and selection highlighting. See Dibujo con ajuste del acoplamiento for more information about snapping. See Selection and pre-selection indicators for more information about highlighting.





Use full screen cursor

Displays a crosshair cursor that extends to the edges of the drawing area

Show selection box

Displays a box beneath the cursor that indicates the active selection area; an object beneath the box can be selected when the mouse is clicked

Show snap box

Displays a box around the cursor that indicates the area in which to find possible snap points; when a snap point is beneath the box, it can be snapped to

Show acquisition hints

Show graphical hints near the cursor when smart points, edges, and vector locks can be acquired (see Concepto: indicadores de ajuste del acoplamiento)

Selection Box Size

Controls the size of the selection box, if Show selection box is selected; must be smaller than the snap box. The actual size of the selection box is shown.

Snap Box Size

Controls the size of the snap box, if Show snap box is selected; must be larger than the selection box. The actual size of the snap box is shown.



Enable selection highlighting

When enabled, objects that are selected are highlighted with the specified colors and patterns, and square handles indicate points that can be used to reshape objects using the tool that is currently active.

When this option is disabled, square handles indicate objects that are selected, and the handles may or may not be reshape points.


If Enable selection highlighting is selected, specify how the selection highlights will be animated when the cursor moves out of the drawing window or over a palette:

Off turns off all animation of highlights

On pulses the highlight continuously

Burst briefly highlights with 100% opacity

Enable cursor pre-selection highlighting

Highlights any object that can be selected when the cursor is over the object


When a drawing object is beneath the cursor, specifies the number of seconds to delay before pre-selection highlighting begins

Enable marquee pre-selection highlighting

As a selection marquee is drawn over objects, highlights any object that will be selected

Enable snapped object highlighting

Highlights the geometry that generated the current snap

Enable tool highlighting

Highlights any object that can be modified or used by the current tool when the cursor is over the object

Animate view transitions

Animates the transition from the current view to a new view, providing a smoother experience when changing views.

To control the speed of the transition for the current session, create a script in the Resource Manager (see Creación de secuencias de comandos). The script should include only SetPrefReal(6725, x); where x is the number of seconds each transition should take. Run the script before transitioning between scenes.

Rendered views may temporarily switch to wireframe view during the transition, specifically when switching from sketch to wireframe, dashed hidden line to interactive hidden line, and any polygon or Renderworks rendering mode to Shaded rendering mode.

Interactive Appearance Settings

Opens a dialog box to change the appearance of the interactive elements in Vectorworks, including general elements, object highlighting, SmartCursor elements, and snap points

Configuring interactive display



Vectorworks Preferences

Tools > Options

Quick Preferences

You may find it helpful to customize the appearance of interactive elements in the program, including general elements, object highlighting, SmartCursor elements, and snap points.

To configure the appearance of interactive elements:

Select the command. On the Interactive pane of the Vectorworks Preferences dialog box, click Interactive Appearance Settings.

Alternatively, click Snapping Settings on the Status bar to open the General Snapping Settings popover, and click Interactive Appearance Settings.

The Interactive Appearance Settings dialog box opens.

Select either the Light Background or Dark Background tab, depending on whether the dark background display preference is enabled (see Vectorworks preferences: Display pane). The same elements can be customized for both background types.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Clip Cube




Sets the color for edges where surfaces intersect a face of a clip cube


Solid Fill

Sets the color for the area where solid objects intersect a face of a clip cube

Floating Data Bar




Sets the background color and opacity of the Floating Data bar


Outline and Text

Sets the outline and text color of the Floating Data bar





Active Layer Plane

Sets the color and opacity of the active layer plane grid


Background - 3D Views

Sets the background color of the drawing area for design layers in 3D views


Background - Perspective Horizon Ground

Sets the ground color and ground horizon color when in non-cropped perspective view; the foreground color gradually transitions to the background color as a gradient in the direction of the horizon


Background - Perspective Horizon Sky

Sets the sky color and sky horizon color when in non-cropped perspective view; the foreground color gradually transitions to the background color as a gradient in the direction of the horizon


Background - Sheet Layers

Sets the background color of sheet layers


Background - Top/Plan

Sets the background color of the drawing area for design layers in Top/Plan view


Editing Modes Border

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the colored border when in an editing mode



Sets the color and opacity of the reference grid


Page Boundary

Sets the color and opacity of the page boundary border


Repetition Opacity

Sets the opacity for the repetitions of the selected line type or tile object, which are displayed when a line type or tile resource is being edited


Reshape Handles - Active Layer

Sets the color of the square handles that can be dragged to reshape a selected object on the active layer


Reshape Handles - Inactive Layer

Sets the color of the square handles that can be dragged to reshape a selected object on an inactive layer


Working Plane

Sets the color of the working plane and opacity of its fill and frame, as well as the opacity and size of the working plane axes


X-ray Select Mode

Sets the opacity of the objects in X-ray Select mode


Object Highlighting




Sets the color, opacity, and size of the highlighting for objects being modified


Active Layer

Sets the pattern, forecolor, backcolor, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is selected on the active layer


Automatic Plane Source

Sets the color and opacity of the automatic working plane


Checked Out Objects

Sets the opacity and size of the highlighting for an object that is checked out from a shared project


Inactive Layer

Sets the pattern, forecolor, backcolor, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is selected on an inactive layer



Sets the pattern, forecolor, backcolor, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is locked


Pre-Selection - Active Layer

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is pre-selected on the active layer; an object can be pre-selected by being either under the cursor’s selection box, or inside a selection marquee


Pre-Selection - Inactive Layer

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is pre-selected on the inactive layer


Pre-Selection - Locked

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is locked


Snap Object

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that is being snapped to; the highlighting is always a dashed line


Tool Highlighting

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the highlighting for an object that can be edited by the active tool


Occluded 3D Graphics

Sets the opacity of feedback graphics, such as highlighting, snapping, selection indication, and some preview graphics, when occluded by a rendered 3D solid






Sets the background color and opacity of the rulers


Cursor Position Indicators

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the cursor position indicators on the rulers


Marks and Text

Sets the color of the tick marks and text on the rulers.

The tick marks and text become blue in a Rotated Top/Plan view and light gray in a 3D view.





Acquisition Hints

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the graphical hints which display near the cursor to show when a smart point, smart edge, or vector lock can be acquired or released


Cue Background

Specifies the background color and opacity of SmartCursor cues


Cue Text

Sets the color and size of SmartCursor text


Datum Indicator

Sets the color, opacity and size of the datum indicator


Extension Lines - Angle

Sets the color, opacity and size of angle extension lines


Extension Lines - Smart Point

Sets the color, opacity and size of smart point alignment lines (the selected color may be overridden by the default X, Y, and Z axis colors)



Sets the color and opacity of angle and alignment planes (the selected color may be overridden by the default X, Y, and Z axis colors)


Selection Box

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the selection box around the SmartCursor


Smart Edges

Sets the color, opacity and size of smart edge lines


Smart Points

Sets the color, opacity, and size of smart points


Snap Box

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the snap box around the SmartCursor


Vector Locks

Sets the color, opacity, and size of vector locks


Snap Points




Sets the color, opacity, and size of snap points available near the cursor and within the snap box


Congestion Indicator

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the snap box when there are too many available snap points around the SmartCursor (using the snap loupe is recommended in this situation; see Cómo usar la lupa de acoplamiento)



Sets the color, opacity, and size of the current snap indicator


Master Snap

Sets the color, opacity, and size of the master snap point for priority snapping within the snap box



Sets the color, opacity, and size of the acquired snap point



Sets the color, opacity, and size of snap point hints such as midpoint, center, along line, and tangent snaps


Subdivision - Crease and Hole Highlight

Sets the color of the highlighting for a subdivision object’s creased cage mesh entities when in Crease mode and holed faces when in Face Hole mode



Restores the default settings for all interface elements


Click the column heading to sort by interface element, if desired. Select the element to change, and then set the parameters that display to the right of the element list as needed. Different parameters display, depending on the element selected.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




To use a solid color, select the color from the ForeColor menu; then from the Pattern menu, select the solid pattern for that color.

To use a pattern, select the ForeColor and BackColor colors from the menus (see Cómo seleccionar colores en una paleta de colores); then select a Pattern.


Select the color (see Cómo seleccionar colores en una paleta de colores)


Drag the slider right to increase or left to decrease the opacity of the interactive element


Drag the slider right to increase or left to decrease the width of the interactive element

Vectorworks preferences: User Folders pane

Click the User Folders pane to change the location of your user data folder, and to designate workgroup folders for sharing content with other users.

User data and preferences folder

The user data and preferences folder contains the Vectorworks files that are created and used by you. The user folder is automatically created outside of the Vectorworks installation folder so that your data and preferences remain undisturbed when the Vectorworks program is updated.

Within this folder, the program creates subfolders for Libraries, Plant Database (Vectorworks Landmark required), Plug-Ins, Renderworks, Settings, VWHelp, and Workspaces. The following customizations are automatically saved to the user folder.

Vectorworks Preferences settings

Workspace Editor changes

Log files

Resource Manager Favorite files

SmartCursor/snapping settings

Saved export and import options for DXF/DWG files

Saved settings for the Eyedropper and Select Similar tools

Settings for certain plug-ins, such as the Stair and Space tools

Dialog box and palette positions

Additionally, you can manually add custom files to the Libraries folder in your user folder, to have resources such as symbols and hatches display in the Resource Manager and Resource Selector, or as default content in dialog boxes and palettes. See Creación de bibliotecas de recursos personalizadas for more information.

Creating a new user data and preferences folder

The Vectorworks program automatically creates the following user data folder in the application data folder:

Mac: /Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/Vectorworks/2022

Windows: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Nemetschek\Vectorworks\2022

By default, both Mac and Windows hide the application data folder. If you use the default user folder, you might want to adjust your system settings to make hidden folders visible. Alternatively, create a new user folder in a more accessible location.

To migrate an existing custom user data folder to a new version of the Vectorworks program, do not change the Vectorworks Preferences directly, as described here. Instead, use the Vectorworks Migration Manager to point the Vectorworks program to your custom user folder.

To create a new user data folder:

From the User Folders pane, click Choose.

A confirmation dialog box opens. Click Yes to continue with the folder change.

From the dialog box that opens, navigate to the location where you want to create the new folder (for example, your Documents folder). Create a new folder there, name it whatever you like, and select it.

Another confirmation dialog box opens. Click Yes to copy the existing user data to the new location, or click No to use the Vectorworks defaults.

If you copy the data to the new location, and the destination folder already contains a file with the same name as a file in the source folder, the program displays a notice that files in the destination folder will be overridden. Click Yes to continue.

If any unsaved files are currently open, you are prompted to save them. Click Yes to continue.

The program copies the files to the new location and then closes automatically.

Restart the program.

DesignSeries.pngWorkgroup folders

If Vectorworks Design Suite products are installed, you can also access custom content from shared workgroup folders. To share custom content with a workgroup, create a main workgroup folder in a shared location on either a local network or a cloud-based storage service such as Vectorworks Cloud Services or Dropbox.



User Data and Preferences Folder

Specifies the folder that contains program preferences, log files, workspaces, and any personal content you create. This might be a folder on the local computer, or on an external drive or network drive; this allows you to run Vectorworks from any computer.

A change to this preference setting cannot be undone with the Undo command.


Click Choose to specify a new user data folder. The program must be restarted if you change the location of the user data. See Creating a new user data and preferences folder for details.

Explore (Windows) or Reveal in Finder (Mac)

To look at the contents of the current folder, click Explore (to open Windows Explorer) or click Reveal in Finder (to open Mac Finder)

Workgroup and Project Folders

(Design Suite required)

Specifies the folders where Vectorworks will look for additional content, such as office standard files, shared project files, and reference files. This might be a shared folder on a network drive, a shared cloud folder, or a project-specific folder on the local computer. See Sharing custom content using workgroup folders for details.

Folders are searched in order from the top of the list to bottom; if multiple files with the same name are found, only the first version of the file is shown in Vectorworks. To change the position of a folder, click on the # column and drag the folder up or down in the list.

Set the Folder Location to the top-level workgroup folder, not the content type subfolder. For example, do not set the Folder Location to [Workgroup]\Libraries, but simply to [Workgroup].

A change to this preference setting cannot be undone with the Undo command.


Opens a dialog box to select a workgroup folder to add to the list


Deletes the selected folder from the list

Explore (Windows) or Reveal in Finder (Mac)

Displays the contents of the selected folder in either Windows Explorer or Mac Finder

Vectorworks preferences: Smart Options Display pane

Click the Smart Options Display pane to set Smart Options Display preferences. See Smart Options Display for information.

You can assign a keyboard shortcut to trigger Smart Options Display in the drawing area; see Modifying special shortcuts.



Use Smart Options Display

Enables Smart Options Display

Trigger Settings

Select which triggers activate Smart Options Display

Show after mouse idles

Automatically displays the contextual hints when the cursor idles in the drawing area; enter the number of seconds to wait before the hints display.

Contextual hints are not triggered when the cursor rests over a dialog box, palette, Tool bar, menu, or other user interface element.

Show with spacebar

Displays the contextual hints when the spacebar is pressed while the cursor is in the drawing area

Show with middle mouse button

Displays the contextual hints when the middle mouse button is clicked while the cursor is in the drawing area

Display Settings

Customize the Smart Options Display to fit your workflow

Show Initial Options as

Select how the contextual hints display when triggered in the drawing area.

Icons only displays the contextual hint icons.


Text only displays the contextual hints by name.


Icons and text displays contextual hints by both icon and name.


Fully expanded displays the full palette instead of contextual hints.


Quadrant selections

For each of the four quadrants around the cursor location, select which options to display. Enter text in the search box to filter the list.


Under General Options, Tool Modes displays the Tool bar options, such as modes, style lists, and the Preferences button, for the currently selected tool. Previous Tools displays the four most recently selected tools, in chronological order from left to right.

The Selection tool and the Pan tool, which are used so often they would displace other tools, do not display.

The Tool Sets list contains only tool sets that are available in the current workspace when this preference is set. Likewise, in the drawing area, the Smart Options Display shows only tool sets that are available in the current workspace. If you set Vectorworks preferences while in the Spotlight workspace, and select the Event Design tool set to display in one of the quadrants, that quadrant will be blank (marked as Off) when Smart Options Display is triggered in a workspace that does not contain that tool set.

The View/Draw tool set contains the set of basic object creation and editing tools found in the Basic palette.

Vectorworks preferences: Quick Search pane

Click the Quick Search pane to set quick search preferences. See Quick Search for information.



Show search filters

Displays options to filter search results

Show command context

Displays the menu path for commands and the tool set for tools in the search results

Resetting Vectorworks preferences

Setting document preferences

Setting quick preferences


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